Friday, September 27, 2013

(The myth of Isis and Osiris)

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Isis (Isis):

Is the goddess of the moon and motherhood have ancient Egyptians. It was symbolized by a woman on the visor brow lunar disk, worshiped by the ancient Egyptians and the Ptolemies and Romans. Isis became a prominent figure in the group of Egyptian gods because of the myth of Osiris. Isis was the sister of the god and his wife. And recovered his body after killing six. With the help of Nephthys and Thoth restored to life after his departure to a new life is limited in the other world, she brought her son Horus, who gave birth to her late husband Osiris clump in the swamps of the Delta Jims. The public imagination was fond of meditation mother who hid herself in the swamps of the Delta, which has the Horus raising her child, even if (as Feb intensified forearm) became able to take revenge on his father's murderer image ... six months goddesses Isis was all Egyptology and was an example of loyal wife Even after the death of her husband, mother and dedicated to her son.

Spread the cult of Isis in the reign of Ptolemy and Greece beyond the borders of Egypt, and have had temples and priests and holidays, religious and secrets throughout the Roman world where she has represented the goddess of the universe, "I am a mother all of nature, and the lady all the elements, and the origin of time and origin, and the Supreme goddess, the wisest tops of the sky and sea breezes benevolent and desolate stillness hell ... "


Osiris, the god of resurrection and the account who is president of the Court of the dead when the ancient Egyptians, the main gods of Ennead in ancient Egyptian religion. According to ancient Egyptian religious myth of Osiris was the brother of Isis and Nephthys and six, and was married to Isis. Jeb and their father are god of the earth and the sky goddess Nut.

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