Monday, April 27, 2015

Silver Trumpet of Tutankhamun Archaeologists believed to be the cause of igniting the revolution of January

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Found this silver horn (Egyptian Museum) with the Golden mouthpiece in Tutankhamun's tomb was hollowed out in a wooden mold decorated perhaps to protect the slave of metal bending or help clean the inside of the channel.
The inscription on the trumpet engraved views of employers Amon Ra Horakhty before Ptah.
The test indicated that the horn sound out of it, strong coarse, and it is the rhythm of a single layer.
Dimensions: Length 58.2 cm

«Revolution caught after one week of archaeologists do a trumpet blowing your little war Tutankhamun's golden pharaoh» ..
Thus revealed Dr. Zahi Hawass, Minister of State for Antiquities, personal real bomber of the January 25 Revolution,
Stressing that archaeologists have belief that this infuses the trumpet «spark war.»
Hawass has not just this announcement, but the doing to prove his health,
Drawing on evidence from the past, where he said at a press conference that «a archaeologists toot war before the January 25 revolution one week, specifically during a visit by a delegation from the Japanese JICA to the Egyptian Museum,
Surprisingly, one of archaeologists was blowing in the same trumpet before the outbreak of the 1967 war,
And another did so before the outbreak of the Gulf War in 1990 »
During the conference, Hawass announced the discovery of four artifacts were stolen from the Egyptian Museum on January 28, known as «Juma anger»,
He pointed out that «chance» led the staff at the Ministry of Antiquities named Salah Abdel Salam, to find these artifacts Shubra metro station.
Hawass said the artifacts include a wooden statue covered in gold of Tutankhamun,
The statue shawabti (statues of pharaohs believed that they answer questions about the other world) for «Yuya» grandfather «Akhenaten», and a large part of the fan Tutankhamun,
War and with the trumpet of the Pharaoh Golden small.
Hawass said: «not the most complex press conference to announce the return of effects only, but to draw a call every Egyptian has no artifacts were stolen during the lawlessness period to return to the ministry», pledging that he will not be anyone or even asked about how to find these effects Accounting . He added: «Who has all the effects of it to put it in the bag and thrown in front of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, or in front of the Egyptian Museum», pointing out that there is still 33 pieces missing from the museum, the most important of a statue of the head of a princess from the Amarna period.

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