Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Egyptian Sinuhe . Gemmaiza son. Part One

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The story The Egyptian of the greatest literary works in the history of Egypt and the world, and is a story written in a manner Sirius tells the author the story of his life on his tongue and says he recorded this story on the walls of his tomb, but archaeologists have not found yet on Erkyulogy guide can it see if the Egyptian real character or not, but it is certain that this story I wrote in the first century BC.

The story of The Egyptian is the most copy the text in the Egyptian civilization wrote after the other world (recorded on papyrus 6 and 26 pieces Ostraka), archaeologists have found Brdetyn dated back to the 12 and the 13 family Thoian whole story. And the family of the 19 th and 20 th was a teacher trained students to write re-copied the story of The Egyptian on stone tablets and cut Alawstraka, and archaeologists have found many pieces of Alawstraka containing parts of the story of Sinuhe and there Panel Alohmoliyn which recorded the full story . The Sinuhe story is the most popular and widespread in Egypt story for centuries
And saved on blogging not only limited, but there are those who believe that she was representing a dramatic representation on some occasions, such as the story of Isis and Osiris .thml The Egyptian story of a human face, and deals with universal concepts such as the divine mercy, and man's alienation in the physical world and the permanent longing to return to the home / origin / spirit world who emigrate with him, making some historians call the Egyptian title of "Shakespeare Egypt" .kan Sinuhe leader in the King's army, "the Secretary - or - panels" I, founder of the 12 family (about 1800 BC) , and was in a military mission to the western borders of Egypt, accompanied by Prince "age - Osart" son of the king, "the Secretary - or - panels"
The first of the 12 family founder (about 1800 BC), and was in a military mission to the western borders of Egypt, accompanied by Prince "age - Osart" son of the king, "the Secretary - or - panels", when came the news the death of King in mysterious circumstances suggest the possibility of being assassinated . Was Sinuhe standing during the transfer of the Apostle news of the Prince, and that was the defining moment in the life of Sinuhe, where he crossed his face a strange feeling of dread and fear he left Egypt and flee to the kingdom "Ritino" (Syria and Palestine) to live there for many years to become an old man old, and all these years tormented homesickness even realized his wish to return to the precious land of Egypt before his death to be buried in the Egyptian way f is the story of Sinuhe of the oldest forms of the novel in history
And that was devoid of plot and conflict, with the exception of the first part of the story and what the ambiguity and awe, and also with the exception of the famous wrestling position between Sinuhe and Asian wrestler who did not want his name in the story, and that this was the scene of the most important parts of the story. Compare it Egyptologist William Kelly Simpson (William Kelly Simpson) in his book (The Literature of Ancient Egypt) between this scene and the story of the struggle between David and Goliath, which emerged after the story in the Bible .tgy Sinuhe that since Ola would in the Kingdom and became Ritino close to the king and commander of the army and a husband for his daughter sparked jealousy and hatred of some of them and one of wrestlers who famously bulky and power. Malice Gladiator Asia on Sinuhe threatened him that he Sissarah and kill him and take away his belongings.
Before Sinuhe challenge and spent the night before meeting wrestling training on the bow and arrow and dagger hone and polish his shield and prepare to defend himself against this vindictive, who wants to kill him and loot their property. And when the sun met residents of the Kingdom of Ritino and led King to witness the wrestling .... It was a memorable day. Gladiator was Asia's largest and most powerful of Sinuhe much, but that did not scare Sinuhe who Astbsl and best use of weapons and knew how to avoid the blows of the Asian Gladiator skill and agility to be finished by
And get rid of it after the outcome of all the wealth of Asian wrestler from the herds of cattle to Sinuhe. And on the unjust spin circles, Valmassara Asian greed sometime in the hands of Sinuhe and wanted to usurp and losing his life and lost everything .kan that day a memorable day met him many of the Kingdom's population, and it seems that he left a big impact in the folk tales of the Middle East countries, that appeared later in the Bible story of David and Goliath struggle

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