Monday, April 6, 2015

King Ramses II won the Hittites in the battle (Cadiz)

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Egypt begins a new historical period is the modern state or the age of the empire, and become good capital of Egypt and the empire, and from which armies and held garrisons and camps for enlisted in the country's east, west and south, and thrive arms industry and military equipment and increasing Egyptian soldier's experience, skill, and so Egypt began the greatest military period in history and has become one of Egypt's army, till this day and age has become a military nature.
And state that the walls of temples and other replete with news of victories of the Egyptian army and his conquests here and there, as was the kings of Egypt offer medals and badges of military leaders, we find King Ahmose I give commander Ahmose bin Father carpaccio went courage five payments in recognition of his prowess in battle, which is registered on the tomb through his biography on the walls, and put plans for the armies in battles enemy depending on the quality and number of members of the army and the nature of the land and the location of the battle.
It was a modern state, in contrast to all other ancient Egyptian history Ages, as characterized in this day and age as of the wars in nature and became the Egyptian army obvious features Valsraya specific teams gunning number bearing the names of gods and kings, there band shooters, and squad vehicles, and band Nine bows, and the confidentiality of Amun and the secret splendor disk of the sun, and there is also what has become known as the media campaign.
The army began consists of a front and center and starboard and soft, as well as elements of assistance in the foreground and in the rear of the Egyptian army and follow a lot of military plans among which was the sudden war, then there is a tactical retreat to regroup and camouflage, deception and teams surveyed the war.
The historical record in the modern state much of the battles fought by the Egyptian army and achieved the victories impressive, and perhaps the most famous of those fighting the battle of Megiddo, which were set in the reign of King Thutmose III-month military commanders in ancient Egypt and there is no doubt that the acts of Thutmose III military in this battle the pride cherished by the military history of the ancient world, it is the first of armies systems and dividing them into the heart and wings, and the first lesson from the battlefield before fighting a battle, and the first to perform blitzkrieg sudden, this dubbed many historians Middle Napoleon.
The walls of the Temple of Karnak has a whale the so-called Hall yearbooks news seventeen military campaign waged by Thutmose III on the country under the Egyptian empire Kplad Syria, Palestine and Nubia, where I took some controlled Egypt peoples rebel against the Egyptian government was forced to come out at the head of his army in the first year of his reign to subdue this peoples and follow through Horus military, which is the road that starts from the Tharu fort at Qantara East and ends up at the Rafah to Gaza after nine days
Then the region holds in ten days to be arrived at the foot of Mount Carmel, where he set up a camp and gather members War Council consulted on the best ways to get to Megiddo, saying that the enemy vile in Cadiz to have entered Megiddo, which is there in that moment, I was able to fold under its banner princes who were subject to Egypt and they are preparing to fight a battle against the Egyptian army, what do you see? A good Tuthmosis members of his war council between two paths: first, passes through a mountain tight will not allow the passage of soldiers and their vehicles only in a row and the other: revolves around the north-west across one of the cities there, and ends in the northern easy of Megiddo or heading south to the east towards another city , then swerves back to the northwest, where the road passes the edge of the mountain to come from the south-east
Advisers and the opinion that the first road mountain pass risky as can be eliminated easily the introduction army and buttocks, and Vdilo pass the second road easiest and most secure, is that Thutmose III Bthaqb look distinguished military and vision opinion that exhibits the first way because the enemy pass the Egyptian army would not expect for this road. Tuthmosis III and startle the enemy which Asian stalls around Megiddo and the right wing on a hill in the south-west and the left wing on the north-west, and ordered the attack, and he was by himself at the head of the army and soon the enemy to retreat and then run away, leaving the Atadeh and took shelter in the fort
Egyptian army did not continue the attack and did not pursue the enemy to eliminate remnants, but the Egyptian soldiers were busy in grabbing booty abandoning the enemy valuable opportunity to regroup for the re-docking of the Egyptian army, which was called Thutmose III to reprimand his troops, saying: if you have followed the attack and Astoleetm this city you make an offering tremendous god Ra presidents in the country, turning away all within the city.
And is surrounded Tuthmosis III and also ordered not to allow anyone to approach the population of the Egyptian army camps and only Ji him a prisoner of war.
The city did not tolerate a long siege to force supplies surrendered, but the Prince of Kadesh escaped Seizing opportunity preoccupation of Egyptian soldiers to collect the spoils, and so was the success of this campaign a big impact in restoring the prestige of Egypt in Palestine, particularly in West Asia in general, has established Tuthmosis III, a lot of forts to believe what captured from cities and so that it can ensure the safety of the ways in which Ajtazha access to those areas.
Thutmose III returned from his campaign to Thebes where he received a hero's welcome conquerors and held ceremonies and made the spoils of the god Amun and recorded the details of these campaigns Jdranmabd Karnak, becoming a landmark in the history of ancient Egypt.
And came after him second Amenhotep, who was also a warrior first class took to his father, Tuthmosis III, role models and ideals: and then it made Egypt a lot of victories, and in one of his campaigns Turn Iham in Palestine seized many of the cities of Palestine and continue to victories throughout the Eighteenth Dynasty As afford us the Nineteenth Dynasty shiny names in the Egyptian military field, headed by King City, the first to be brought up in the Egyptian military Rehab, and won from experience what his family to become a military commander of the first class, and assuming the throne in mind to strengthen the pillars of the Egyptian empire, which had been put some jerks in the second half of the Eighteenth Dynasty and dashed City first east, west and south invincible enemies of Egypt, but he was preparing to face traditional king enemy Heta in Asia Minor, where he has always sought in the revolution States under the Egypt them, but support for the alienation of the Egyptian empire , City first and succeeded in breaking the fork Kingdom Heta and Ichaaraa strongly Egyptian army through the battles fought against it near Cadiz and succeeded him on the throne of his son Ramses II, one of the greatest kings of the ancient world, and the owner raised signage Egyptian military's largest installations and the owner of a number on the land of Egypt
In the fifth year of his reign was the king of the Hittites Motley has won over to his side some state governors opposed to Egypt, and greedy to get out Ali Sultan, King of Egypt: and this has prepared a strong army collected from these states and mercenary soldiers from the Aegean Islands and progress king of the Hittites to Kadesh, which is a Northern Syria gate.
Ramses II had prepared a kit to meet the Army and was a mainstay of the Hittites army four teams carry the names of the gods
And walked Ramses II on the traditional military road and headed north towards the Syrian coast remained dips to be arrived at River Valley Aas and remember the ancient Egyptian texts that some Egyptian army soldiers succeeded in arresting two spies from Bedouin Alchasso Motley was the king of the Hittites may cost them of spying on the army of Egypt In the course Tadibama for Aderla information on Alehithe army made their information on the fact that the Hittites and the numbers and location and fortifications Army apparent that King Ramses II had endorsed the statement made by Gasusan of information and went to the Hittites site and was with him Amun only band followed band Ra at a time when the Hittite army holed up in the site The last, where the maneuver succeeded in swooping band Ra took Ramses II reorganize his army and his plans in light of the fact, and request terms of the other teams and has succeeded with his army in to dock with the enemy, and the battle was undecided between the two armies powerful recorded its news on the walls of Karnak and Luxor, the Ramesseum and Abu Temple Simbel, and has been mentioned in the records of Ramses this battle that the king of the Hittites may request amnesty so as not to Livni, the remainder of his subjects.
After this battle, surrendered all the cities that were behind the Hittites in Syria and Palestine, and Egyptian armies returned to Thebes and Astqlapt reception victors and swept celebrations all over Egypt and poets sing this victory
And tells the story of the Egyptian texts army reception victor: where senior statesmen and ministers waited, waving their arms in prayer, saying, Welcome to your return to the country have triumphed over your enemies .. It has been proved Ra limits who protects ax and infect the rest of the country and foreign princes fall before the sword
Hittites certain that Egypt's army is not the army that defeated the Vvdilo to sing like Egypt, and Aakaddo with a peace treaty, and that was around the year 1280 BC. M, in the atheist and the twentieth year of the rule of Ramses II, was held this treaty between him and King Alehithe (Khatossell), who took power after (Motley).
To confirm the goodwill King Alehithe marry one of his daughters of King Ramses II, an event that record on the walls of a temple or Simbel.
I've long reign of King Ramses II sixty-seven-year-old-year-old was one of the more periods of government power and prosperity to Egypt, where he achieved significant military victories, and proved the limits of its empire.
And, following the Egyptian military victories to take over his son King (Merenptah) throne of the country who faced rebellion of some tribes of Palestine, including Israel and the tribe sends (Merenptah) Strong Army spends on these tribes.
And remember Panel (Merenptah) known error QWERTY Israel that the Egyptian army have spent on seed collection of tribes of Israel, including the Egyptian army and a resounding victory in Palestine and other victories over some peoples (Hindoaorbeh) coming from the western border of hand and eliminate them.

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