Monday, April 6, 2015

Miracle transfer the cliffs between fact and fiction

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The story took place in the reign of Caliph al-Muizz Fatimid and he was an eyewitness to the story, which took place on November 27 in 979 AD was in his council brings together Muslims, Jews and Christians on the night he was in his council and minister 'James, son of Kells' Jew who gave the Patriarch of the Coptic the Anba time Abram Jewish Aseriyanjarad that the ruling sign with the Copts said to the governor that we have found in the Gospel verse that says Christians
'That of his faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from here to there flies' and therefore you should As governor to ask the Pope, Patriarch to convey the mountain heaved east of Cairo, although he could not be a religion void and must be exterminated! Caliph asked Pope Abraam Syriac prove the validity of this verse ..

Any proof of the possibility of transferring the cliffs if true verse .. After that peace Patriarch asked the Caliph three days until he proves him this Almadzh . ordja Pope brings people and ask them to fast for three days with prayer Almstmrhoiqal that the Virgin Mary appeared to the Patriarch at the dawn of the third day and Dlth Ali a man claiming to Simon the Tanner will be a miracle on his hands, and on schedule ..
Caliph came out of his home riding his horse and was succeeded by a large crowd of courtiers and statesmen on his way to the cliffs, and there he found waiting for him at the conclusion of the Pope and his men Syriac Church and the people behind it .. stop Caliph and those with him on the side of the mountain ..
And on the opposite side to stop Pope Abram, and the clergy and Simon the Tanner, who stood behind the Pope Mbacrhobad that the Pope to pray asked people to sing the word 'Kiryalsion' a word in the Coptic language meaning Lord have mercy four hundred times .. by a hundred times each of the four sides, east and west The north and south .. and then worshiped the Pope and his people three times ..
And then everyone felt very Bzelzelh in force sweeping mountain .. In each prostration mountain moves .. With all the mountain rises to the top and show the sun from underneath and then moving from place to this place, which settled .. goats said to the religion of God 'Allah is great Asmh'oiday Earerd of this story is that the mountain actually moved from pond elephant Zaynab to this place to give a large area caliph was able to fill it and show the current Cairo, received transfer story of the cliffs in the writings of the English Btler.hl unique is the figment of our imagination? Or a miracle in a time without miracles? We do not have documented historical evidence for this incident and be sure he has that tells us

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