Friday, April 3, 2015

Main article: History of Ancient Egypt

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The civilization of the ancient Egyptians were not civilized slip at the age of time. Because of their civilization were individually Basmadtha civilization and achievements of the huge and originality. This is what gave it the credibility of originality among all civilizations. Or making it the undisputed world civilizations. This is more Mkutha and impressed and famous among ancient civilizations. The civilization of the ancient Egyptians The Ancient Egyptians Civilization along the Nile River in northeastern Africa since the year 5000 BC. To the year 30 BC. . The longest civilization Asnmraria the old world, and the ancient Egyptian civilization mean in terms of geography that civilization which originated the valley and the Nile Delta, where he lived the ancient Egyptians. It is the cultural aspect refers to language and worship, customs and organization of their lives and life management and administrative affairs and their conception of the nature around them and their dealings with their neighbors they are the first people of domesticated cats

The Nile River, which revolves around ancient Egyptian civilization stems from the hills above Abyssinia eastern Africa and the headwaters of the Nile in southern Sudan, heading north from Sudan to Egypt for the flood comes every year to feed the soil with silt. This phenomenon is natural flood made Egypt's economy in sleep renewed dependent mainly on agriculture. It helped the emergence of civilization is also the sky is free of clouds and brightness Alhmosalmusharfah almost throughout the year to extend the ancient Egyptians Ieddfou and light. Egypt is also protected from neighbors, West Sahara and the sea from the north and east and the presence of waterfalls (cataract) south of heart on the Nile to the ground, making it almost deserted. In this land back two of the Seven Wonders. They are the pyramids of Giza and the Lighthouse of Alexandria. The plant was the oldest archaeological site of heart. It was 6,000 years ago pastoral area by the summer rains fall graze their cattle until 4899 years ago when it rains receded. Discovered the stone circles has made the region Scanbh communities, including the village was 18 well water supplies under the surface of the tiles to build a large Mijuleci is a statue of a cow sculpture of a large rock. The village consists of 18 beta. And the cemetery where many of the cattle were found in their rooms from the mud. This indicates that the population they worship cows. Stoves were found and used. The bones of deer and hares and pottery sherds and decorated ostrich eggs peel. But there is no landfill waste or human plant. This indicates that the nomads were free to come and plant every summer, where water and pasture. And marriage, trade and the establishment of religious rituals.

In the field of astronomy, we find that the ancient Egyptians had set up the oldest observatory in the world, and before the era of building the pyramids since the period of time according to the suns and stars, where they set up gravestones Mijalithat Megaliths. It is a circle of stone erected since 7000 years in the southern desert of Egypt. Almijalathat before the establishment of sites in England, Britain and Europe a thousand years as a famous Stonehenge.
Plant site was discovered several years ago and consists of a small stone circle. With the bones of cattle and five diagonal lines of stones and tiles Ahadjrbp disclosed tilted about a mile from the site and some are up 9 feet. Each slab buried soil over a flat rock. This site is heading the four cardinal points of the sets of solar moderation. And the site of the small stone circle bones of cattle and five lines of Mijulithat tilted. This was the site was built on the shore of Lake congregate in rain water in summer time. Where cattle were driven to the plant in the Neolithic period since 10 thousand years. The nomadic herders come to in the rainy season, even years since 4800, where the monsoon receded towards southern Gulab to become barren region. This was a small circle 12 feet in diameter with four sets of tiles menu where you can see the horizon. The two Tottagha the north and the south and the other two groups Tottagha Horizon Solar Equinox Summer hand. And their descendants after 2000 years have been displaced and the Nile Valley's and established the ancient Egyptian civilization, especially after Oagafrat this pastoral region and climate change. They settled in 4000 BC. Upper Egypt, especially in the old and Nakada Nejn and Abydos (see: Badari). This spatial stability and creativity while making the ancient Egyptian civilization and Mdnithm on their land. Creating science and literature, traditions and customs, literature and stories and myths and left after them mural recordings and manuscripts on papyrus rooting for this innovative civilization. Vcedoa Kalohramat large buildings, temples and cemeteries that have defied time. In addition to manuscripts, drawings, engravings and color images, which remained until today.

They were treated papyrus to make it the kind Atmarh and wrote the history, science, customs and traditions to be a message to their grandchildren and the world. They write it in the hieroglyphic writing of a graphic symbol which reflects the image are known. And concepts invented in the account and studied engineering, medicine, dentistry and worked with the calendar according to their observations of the sun and stars. Although the ancient Egyptians worshiped many gods, but the call divine unification appeared at the hands of King Akhenaten ideological feature. They are also the first to Souroaptda doctrine of life in the Hereafter. These concepts were not found at other peoples. And built tombs decorated and ornate Ptothitha have to live the life eternal. Egypt was the superpower world was the old political influence often extends his influence to neighboring countries in east Asia and west Africa. And south of heart and Puntland, Somalia. The ancient Egyptians call their land Kemet Kimmitt any black land because the Nile silt and supplies it was also called Dichert Deshret any red earth reference to the color of the desert sands Bhaalta burning under the suns rays. The abundance of the flood water has made them Avemun network of irrigation, agriculture and manufactured boat traffic, transport and fishing river. And gave them the land of precious metals such as gold, silver, copper and gems. They exchange goods with neighboring countries. The history of Egypt we find start since 8000 BC. In southeastern Egypt area at the north-eastern border with Sudan. The people came to her sponsors and this area was the area where he was attracted by the sensitivity of the plains for grazing and climate was hospitable and the lakes of seasonal rainfall. The monuments show that they were settlers there caring for livestock. They left after them huge buildings in the year 6000 BC

Agriculture began in the town of Badari six since 5000 BC The Fayoum settlers before planting Badari thousand years. The city Mrmidbaldlta on its western border since 4500 BC. In the city of Bhutto pottery decorated pottery is different from the model in Upper Egypt industry emerged. There was a difference between the ancient Egyptians between Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt in the faith and way of burying the dead and architecture .ujae King Menes in 3100 BC. And united the two countries (Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt). He was put on his head Thrones white symbolizes the face of the tribal and the Red Sea to the face. And make King Menes of Memphis Memphis consolidated capital and was located west of the Nile at Giza and Abydos royal tomb, which moved to Saqqara during the era of the Old Kingdom

The population of Egypt before the dynastic era (5000 BC. --3 000 BC.) Is currently only hundreds of thousands during the Old Kingdom (2575 BC. --2 134 BC) numbered two million people and during the Middle Kingdom (2040 BC - 1640 BC), and the number has increased during the New Kingdom (1550 BC --1 070 BC) Aladdinm reached 3-4 million. In the Hellenistic era (332 BC Q.m.- 30) reached number seven million people. Egypt and then entered the Roman era. The Egyptians adjacent river. Agricultural community because they were executing a good and important when they were each other's capital. And education and writing was independent in ancient Egypt and the limited writing and reading between the small proportion of the ruling elite or clerks in the administrative apparatus. The sons of the royal family and the ruling elite learn to minors. The rest of the people were learning in schools or temples Mounzul. The girls' education was limited to writing and reading at home. The teachers were strict and use multiplication. The callus school to learn to read and write and write letters and other texts. The manuscripts were kept in the house of life, a house conservation in each temple, and like the library .okan educated in ancient Egypt were studying arithmetic, geometry and fractions, collection and medicine. I found books in internal medicine, surgery and treatment, pharmaceutical and veterinary dentistry. And copy all books, including literature and religious texts.

The population of Egypt before the dynastic era (5000 BC. --3 000 BC.) Is currently only hundreds of thousands during the Old Kingdom (2575 BC. --2 134 BC) numbered two million people and during the Middle Kingdom (2040 BC - 1640 BC), and the number has increased during the New Kingdom (1550 BC --1 070 BC) Aladdinm reached 3-4 million. In the Hellenistic era (332 BC Q.m.- 30) reached number seven million people. Egypt and then entered the Roman era. The Egyptians adjacent river. Agricultural community because they were executing a good and important when they were each other's capital. And education and writing was independent in ancient Egypt and the limited writing and reading between the small proportion of the ruling elite or clerks in the administrative apparatus. The sons of the royal family and the ruling elite learn to minors. The rest of the people were learning in schools or temples Mounzul. The girls' education was limited to writing and reading at home. The teachers were strict and use multiplication. The callus school to learn to read and write and write letters and other texts. The manuscripts were kept in the house of life, a house conservation in each temple, and like the library .okan educated in ancient Egypt were studying arithmetic, geometry and fractions, collection and medicine. I found books in internal medicine, surgery and treatment, pharmaceutical and veterinary dentistry. And copy all books, including literature and religious texts.

The ancient Egyptians to their calendar time since the early stage and was based on Mlahzanhm Hmosoualnujom of the sky and the dates of the Nile flood every year. They were using their calendar to record historical events and festivals and scheduling Narich property decisions. It was the first attempt to make a calendar in 8000 BC. When making stone circles (see: Afbara .ostunhenj) in the corner of the most south-west of Egypt. It was used to observe the stars and their movements. They divided the 24-hour day (12 day and 12 night) and week 10 days month 3 weeks or 30 days. Year and 12 months. It was divided into three chapters each chapter 4 months. The year was equivalent to 360 days. The ancient Egyptians say after 5 days every day of this five-day festival refers to the birth of a god. Pharaonic and this year will be a full 365 days. It is almost close to the solar year now, except for a quarter on the difference in each calendar year did not know the added day every 4 years.
The ancient Egyptians Balgdid of creative works of innovative and stunning the world, whether in embalming (article), music, sculpture, literature, painting, architecture and drama. After days of consolidation every sense religious belief have become formal attributes of pluralism valuable gods and Theology and the environment have an impact on religious thought and worship the ancient Egyptian gods where the human or animal forms, or a combination of them. These forms Jsdwiha ancient Egyptians forces of nature and its elements .otalev myths and stories about gods and their world to understand the complex interactions in the universe around them. Religious belief played a big role in their lives and have had their impact on the arts and the thoughts about life in the Hereafter Baath and the idea of ​​the Resurrection and their relationships Bgamanm. The Art Studio Kalnan bilateral dimensions and drawing on the walls of temples, tombs and coffins of the dead and the coffins of the dead and papyrus. The Egyptian artists Iggsmon personal images Bmlamhaa expressive Ttin rate of time and space in these pictures does not pass across the Klodomn through hieroglyphic drawings that accompany and be part of the wonderful work of art. The statue be placed at the base name or beside him

The pyramids found reflect the grandeur of architecture I have the ancient Egyptians. This huge wild graves have four triangular walls converge at the point of the summit representing the origin of life primitive hill in creation myths or represent the strong sunlight. We have built a pyramid of about 100 as a rest house for their rulers after death. The square shaped temple at the east-west line at sunrise and sunset .okan ancient Egyptians believed that the temple built by humans can be a model suitable for the gods natural environment. Greeks of the ancient Egyptians in sculpture, architecture, philosophy and theology have benefited (see: Amenhotep). . The ancient Egyptians were masters of stone, metal art works and making normal and stained glass. Revealing exploration of the effects prehistoric era in Egypt since 6000 years BC. The presence of archaeological sites on the southern border with Egypt, Sudan, where it was found at the burial sites and the establishment of Aloebad and celebrations and tombs of cattle which shows the consecrated. The graves were found human handicraft items, weapons and time back to this era, which indicates the existence of the doctrine after death. The doctrine is based on the ancient Egyptians Alhmosmmthelh in the doctrine of Ra and Horus into the Stative. And representatives of the moon in the doctrine of Tut and Khonsu and the earth represented in the doctrine of pocket. The sky goddess Nut and Tefnut Shuo god wind and humidity. And Osiris, Isis, the rulers of the underworld. Most of these gods the myths around them. And became Amon Ra and after the merger are the doctrine of Amun - Ra as king of the gods.

There was a local goddess worship in Egypt, region-specific. The king was the high priest practiced rituals and feasts were performed by priests in ordinary days temples. The ordinary people of Aidechlunha only to serve. The Egyptians are interested in life after death and the living graves and Izinunha Ejehzona pictures and furniture. They were mummified after death care (article) Dead. They were put in coffins and charms and amulets around the mummy. They write texts on magic or cloth on the walls of the cemetery and papyrus to be buried with him. These texts were to protect and guide him in the nether world.
In ancient Egypt, the king is the absolute ruler and spiritual leader and the link between the people and the gods. It was supported by the minister and the administrative body and its priests. Army commander was the king and his commanders and soldiers of the army at the age of Egyptian twenty five and even forty years. Judgment was genetically between children in most of the time except Horemheb (1319 BC), who was the first commander and his successor, Ramses, who was not of royal blood. Rarely was ruled Egypt except Hatshepsut, who ruled in the family 18 after the death of her husband, Tuthmosis II in 1479 BC woman And shared governance with Thutmose III. The Egyptians believed that the King Center and the King divine god.

After his death lead him to the rituals remain a god. It was usually nicknamed the owner and the King of the High earths Egypt and Lower Egypt (Delta in the north and the south valley. It was Egypt's economy people dependent on agriculture along the Nile, which was Amadmsr water and various crops such as grains, especially barley, wheat, fruit and Alkhdharuatommazm agricultural land was the property of the king and the temples. The sweep means of irrigation after the decline flood. and I have discovered Momciawatadidh reserved found all over the world in all continents where follow mummification mummification all Algarat.o word mummy origin word hieroglyphics "mm", which means wax or tar, which was used in the mummification process. has been derived later call Mummy and Aantchert then to the Indo-European languages. This word mummy apply to all human remains of soft tissue. The embalming may be present in every continent but the way connected to how the ancient Egyptians for this is attributed to them. It was the first study of the mummies were in the 19th century and not just Egyptian mummies coil linen cloth damage only by dead bodies. But the way for a permanent homes for life. This way fraudulent death. .moumyawat Egyptian

Egyptian mummies is not just a coil of linen cloth damage only by dead bodies. But the way for a permanent homes for life. These fraudulent way to death. The snatch in the mummification of the brain nostril and empties the viscera of the abdomen, chest, and the router body was soaked in salt and dried. The dry skin treated with a mixture of oils and resins (glues). It was found that the mummy was damaged tens of meters of linen cloth to make them dead in his clothes and other eternal. It was recited by the spells and rituals practiced it before the funeral and he was buried with food and drink and everything would take to live a life after death Haniyeh. The mummies were buried in the desert sand Lahoud vast and dry to absorb fluid from the body and dried to save the skin, nails and hair away from the banks of the Nile where agriculture. Haves and was buried in the tombs built. The ancient Egyptians wrapped Dead linen cloth soaked in resin since 3400 years BC.

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