Wednesday, April 1, 2015

God Horus

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His mother, Isis is the goddess of the moon have the ancient Egyptians
Horus mentioned in one of the myths of ancient Egypt and was considered a symbol of goodness and justice. Osiris was to his father, who was the god of the Baath Party and the account when the ancient Egyptians. According to the religious myth that his uncle killed his father six villain and distributed throughout the country in parts of Egypt. And his mother was Isis, so she collects body parts of his father, and it is the first process of embalming the dead body of his father and Xt. Horus was born then and wanted to take revenge on his uncle and take revenge for his father, so it is sometimes called Horus "protector of his father." Horus lost that battle in his left eye. And assumed the throne of Egypt.

Osiris became the god of the account in the other world, and became the king of Horus life of the world. Each king of the kings of Egypt was ruled wisely representative of Horus, the god Horus and assisted in its work and its wars. Therefore, we find all the kings of Egypt Atzmon in one of their names (The king was usually has 5 titles) on behalf of Horus.

Horus was the work of all the kings of Egypt's top example where he avenged his father and of his murderer was fair. Therefore they are taking the name "Horus the neighborhood," one of the oldest property titles in ancient Egypt. And anonymity in antiquity combined Bhathor and Scorpion King first. It seems in this title Horus standing on the palace said, flanked on behalf of the king.

We also find Horus on the plate Narmer or King Menes, a famous painting from the era of the first family in Egypt, holding the heads of defeated enemies of Egypt and bring them to the king. Even the title of the fourth dynasty Pharaoh consists only of Horus name, and during those family also appeared Golden Horus name, a title the second to the king.

It is the ancient Egyptian amulets, we find many of them in the form of the Eye of Horus which is called "Gat" and attached to the chest. The Eye of Horus also taken to represent fractions such as 1/2 and 1/4 and 1/8 and 1/16 and 1/32 to 1/64.

Ancient Egyptians used fractures in the account in the form of 1 / Q and in particular the retail and distribution of grain, such as 1/2 and 1/4 and others hired to represent them into Horus.

Was all part of the Eye of Horus represents a certain fraction which is used to represent parts of the size Ayari have a so-called "Hakat" represent any Hakat 1/2 or 1/4 or 1/32 .... Hakat Hakat and so on. If we collected those fractures we got a total 63/64, a total of less than about one-by 1/64. When a teacher asked the pupils in ancient Egypt, where the 1/64 went missing? The teacher answered, that God Tut - which account god - he may have hidden. This was from the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians.

Crossing Horus d:
The construction of this huge temple of the god "Horus" in the era of "Ptolemy III - Iorgits first began in 237 BC, and it took to build this temple is about 200 years, with the completion of its creation in the era of" Ptolemy XIII "in the first century BC.

Sons of Horus:
Sired four sons of Horus, were: "Habi" and "Omesti" and "Domotev" (which means "mother Protector") and "Kphassanov" (which means "atthe drink to his brother"). Usually in the Book of the Dead is a picture of the seated on a throne in the afterlife and to his successor, his two sisters Isis and Nephthys, and to stand in front of him [the four sons of Horus standing boiled lotus flower Accounting rights. On the other hand, if the dead processing and Thanithm are open Bantm and take heart and gizzard and put it in the form of four bottles of the four sons of Horus to maintain their safety, and that was four bottles inherent mummy placed, which mummify and fill materials to prevent decomposition.

It was the ancient Egyptian perception that Horus will submit to the dead Osiris in the case of his success in the test balance takes clothed beautiful and enter "paradise". And the balance test as follows: paying Dead heart and placed in one of the scales of justice, and placed in the other side, "feather" (glazes), a "Justice and Allokhalaq good" code, if the shuttlecock heavier than the heart, it means that the deceased was good in his life and to create a cream takes clothed beautiful and enter "paradise" garden to live happy happy. But if the weight of the heart of the Dead for featherweight what this means is that he was in his mighty sticks. Then thrown heart and deceased to an imaginary animal is standing next to the balance - Amamot: head lion's head and body body hippo and crocodile tail tail - Vilthmh this animal to be Alto and those are the eternal end.

It is also the ancient Egyptian mythology that Horus was sending his four sons when the Pharaoh of Egypt in the culmination of the four points of the earth to preach the influence of the new king.

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