Wednesday, April 1, 2015

King Senusret I

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King Senusret I Sisostris first or second kings of the Twelfth Dynasty.
Subscribe to rule Egypt with his father, King Omnmahat first during the years 1975 to 1965 BC.
And himself by virtue of Egypt after the death of his father and extended his reign to 43 years during which life flourished in Egypt. And his son engaged in power during the last three years of his reign, from 1932 to 1930 BC, which became the second Omnmahat.

In the custody of the literature and culminate in the industry. This period was also marked by a bloom of mineral wealth and accurate extraction of gold and gold jewelery, which has spread in abundance.

This is in addition to the considerable effort that has gone into gems and turquoise and copper jewelry and sculpture work measure.

She was also a period of stability and evolution, where he stayed King Senusret first pyramid and mortuary temple, in Lisht, near Fayoum, the new capital built by after leaving Thebes. And found him on several statues there.

King Sesostris I considered one of the greatest pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom. During the year, 18 of his campaign in southern Egypt and spread the border until they reached the second waterfall on Nehralnal near Wadi Halfa. And then set up a bulwark to secure the country from the south. This was the first time that the borders of Egypt spread to that area. In year 25 of his reign occurred drought and famine in the country. He said the manuscript was found in the area Altod that people attacked the temple because of the famine there and took what the food stocks.

Sisostris first obelisk erected in the rain / Ain Shams area in Egypt in honor of his rule. Sisostris first marina was built as a symbolic elegant vehicle Amun at Karnak, decorated with several highlights King Berbab good relationship

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