Saturday, May 9, 2015

Archaeologists found, as they think, the famous treasure of the pirate William Kidd near Madagascar.

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Radio Madagascar has announced that a group of American archaeologists led by Barry Clifford, lifted from the bottom of the Indian Ocean near the island of St. - Mary gold pieces weighing 50 kg. According to their belief that it is part of the stolen pirate William Kidd, who concealed in different places. Head of the group was handed this golden piece to the President of Madagascar Heri Rajaonarimambianina.

Clifford says, "During the searches under the water, we discovered the remains of 13 vessels in the Gulf of pirates on the island of St. Mary, and two weeks after the search continued in the two ships we found this large gold piece."

It is noted that the pirate William Kidd of Scottish descent and was considered one of the most dangerous pirate in the seventeenth century. He was arrested and sentenced court to death, and executed in 1701. governance and as widespread myths, valued treasures stolen and seized them concealed near St. Mary's Island at that time by 800 thousand pounds, and this is a very large amount in the accounts of that time.

There are at St. Mary's Island, a large cemetery for pirates, so the nearby region of which were dug by treasure hunters in length and width.

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