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The ancient Egyptians (Pharaohs) are the first to have played football where the ball was made from
stone found in the Egyptian Museum Some of this ball and also on the walls of Pharaonic temples many graphics that emphasize the practice of the Pharaohs football in the era of the eleventh family and especially in the city of Tanis (Sun Stone) in northern Egypt
This confirms the Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in 460 BC, said he found the Egyptians are playing reel made of goatskin or hay even if the team paid to the line width yard pitch calculated target egyptions researchers said that women and girls play ball Be the skill and agility to hold time before five thousand years
But there is another opinion that says:
The Japanese are the first to have exercised football and was called Kemari and that was in 600 BC and then have developed laws and they called Kemari Essob any sport ball was wide, consisting of those in charge is made based of the branch plant their height five feet was vicinity of the ball almost 22 cm and length the game 20 minutes
after that The Greeks said they first practiced football where they first presented the Olympics and that was in 600 BC and they called (Babsqirs), then moved the game from Greece to the Romans
But (Homeres) says in his epic odyssey that Greeks played football and was named (Harbmaston) and that it was part of fitness programs for soldiers Sparta
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